Glasgow Cup Draw

The draw was made for this season’s Glasgow Cup. There are two groups, one of five and one of four.

Group A

Berry, Spoors, Houston, Bari, Fleming.

Group B

Mathieson, Halpin, Gladman, Burns.


In last season’s final Dave Gladman defeated Tom Burns


Woodend Handicap Cup Draw

Handicaps were agreed:

Tom Burns 0
Willie Fleming 0
Baver Bari 1
Dave Gladman 1
John Halpin 1
Dave Houston 2
John Mathieson 2
Brian Spoors 8

The draw:

Baver Bari v Willie Fleming
John Mathieson v John Halpin
Tom Burns v Dave Houston
Dave Gladman v Brian Spoors

Last year’s winner, John Halpin:





Association Cup Draw

The draw was made for this season’s Association Cup:

Round 1

Bari v Gladman
Halpin v Mathieson


Houston v F McKenzie
Fleming v Bari/Gladman
Halpin/Mathieson v Burns
Corr v Berry





Glasgow Cup Draw

The draw was made for this season’s Glasgow Cup.

Group A

Berry, Gladman, Bari, Houston, Burns

Group B

Mathieson, Lees, F McKenzie, Halpin, Fleming


Four players qualify from each group with the quarter-final ties being:

A1 v B4, A2 v B3, A3 v B2, A4 v B1

There will be no seedings for the semi-final draw.

In last season’s final Tom Burns defeated Dave Gladman 2-0.


Cup Draws

The draws have been made for the semifinals of the Glasgow Cup and the quarter finals of the Woodend Handicap Cup.

Glasgow Cup

Gladman v Fleming
Burns v Lees


Woodend Handicap Cup

Fleming 0 1 R McKenzie
Mathieson 2 0 Halpin
Gladman/Lees Bari/Corr
Houston 0 0 F McKenzie

Figures denote starting scores



Woodend Handicap Cup

Handicaps were fixed for the competition and the first round draw was made. In the event of a score being level at full-time the match will be decided by shots. There will be no replay.


Lees 0
Burns 0
Fleming 1
Berry 2
Corr 2
Gladman 2
Halpin 2
McKenzie R 2
Bari 3
Houston 3
McKenzie F 3
Mathieson 4

First Round

Burns v R McKenzie
Lees v Gladman
Berry v Houston
Corr v Bari

Byes: Fleming, Halpin, Mathieson, F McKenzie

Last season’s winner: John Halpin




Association and Woodend Handicap Cup Draws

The first and second round draws have been made for both the Association and Handicap Cups. In each case round 1 consists of three ties with five players receiving byes into round 2. Colin Berry was drawn against Tom Burns in both competitions. The same applies to Ronnie McKenzie and Malcolm Lees though Lees will first have to defeat Barry Corr in the Association Cup.

Woodend Handicap Cup

The handicaps were fixed as follows:

Lees 0
Burns 0
Gladman 1
Fleming 1
Corr 1
Berry 2
R McKenzie 2
Houston 2
Bari 2
Halpin 2
F McKenzie 4

Round 1

R McKenzie v Lees
Burns v Berry
Corr v Houston

Round 2

Fleming v Burns/Berry
R McKenzie/Lees v F McKenzie
Gladman v Bari
Corr/Houston v Halpin


Association Cup

Round 1

Bari v Houston
Lees v Corr
Halpin v Gladman

Round 2

Lees/Corr v R McKenzie
Bari/Houston v Halpin/Gladman
Burns v Berry
Fleming v F Mckenzie


Last year’s winner of the Association Cup, Tom Burns, is presented with the trophy by Dave Houston

Baver Bari defeated John Halpin to win the Woodend Handicap Cup





Association Cup Draw



The draw was made for the first round of the Association Cup 2014/15.


Burns v Bari
Day v Butler
Corr v McKenzie F
Gladman v Fleming


Byes: R McKenzie, Houston, Halpin and Berry.





Glasgow Cup Draw

The draw has been made for the Glasgow Cup semi-finals.










The Glasgow Cup


Cup Draws

Draws have been made for the semi-finals of the Association Cup and the quarter-finals of the Woodend Handicap Cup.


Association Cup


Butler v McKenzie/Day
Burns v Fleming


Woodend Handicap Cup


Fleming/Houston v Burns
Phee v Halpin/McKenzie
Berry v Day/Jones
Gladman v Butler